Terms of Use
In the following content, Nodejsera , njera , company, community are used interchangeably to refer to the same entity and all it's services and products including codes, workshops, live workshops, mobile apps, web pages, content and so on. These terms and conditions govern your usage of nodejsera.com and all the surrounding products and services as listed above. You are bound to follow these terms and you acknowledge that these terms are subject to change at any time before any prior notification and you also acknowledge that your failure to comply with these terms may lead to termination of all the services and in case you wish to not follow these terms you are advised to stop using all the products and services provided under nodejsera.com right now.

Fair Use
Company is dedicated to provide knowledgeable workshops and creative tools to individuals, entrepreneurs, enterprises, organizations and to almost anyone who thinks he can benefit from these tools. Some of the services are provided free of cost [ads may be used to generate revenues] while others may be paid [like live workshops]. As a user you promise to use all the content fairly. Fair use means that you can use the content and tools for your personal purposes but you can not directly sell any nodejsera.com's property on your own web portals unless you hold a legal contract to do so. Please feel free to contact us to get more information on this. You are free to report security or other bugs in the nodejsera.com site or mobile apps but make sure you don't break anything while doing so otherwise a legal action may be initiated against you. Use of automated security tools like vulnerability scanners or port scanners is higlhy prohibited. When you share a link to any of our pages or you write a post where you refer to any of our pages please make sure the language you use is acceptable and anything abusive or unacceptable written referring to nodejsera.com may lead to appropriate action being taken against you.

despite the best efforts by the team, if there still remains some errors in content, code, apps or any entity where there exists such a possibility. Then you as a user acknowledge that Nodejsera.com need not be held responsible for that. You acknowledge that any product or service by Nodejsera.com which you choose to use is at your own risk. In case you think what you are using is not appropriate for you, you can stop using it.

We wish you safe and secure digital life.
Team Nodejsera