30 Days of node
Day 23 : Debugger Module in node.js

30 days of node - Nodejs tutorial series

A debugger is a program that helps us to debug the errors or bugs in a piece of code. Nodejs comes with a debugger which we can use to hunt for different bugs. In this article, we'll learn how to use debugger in our Nodejs program.

How to invoke Node.js Debugger

In order to use the node.js debugger, we need to pass "debug" parameter when invoking a nodejs script. Just for an example if we want to debug a file named hello.js, we'll start the debugger as shown below.

node debug hello.js

The output of the above command should be similar to :

< debugger listening on port 5858
connecting... ok

Useful Debugger Commands

Some of the useful debugger commands include step, next, list, backtrace which are explained below :

  1. step :: Step into a function or a control structure. e.g. if there's a for loop and you want to look into it, simply use the step command.
  2. next :: Next command moves us to the next line or section of code, when we want to skip a control structure like for loop or a function, we can use the next statement.
  3. list :: List command is used to list he lines of source code which enables us to understand where we are on the code.
  4. backtrace :: Backtrace prints information about what lead to the current execution state of the program. It's sometimes very useful to debug errors in the code.

Note : In computing, a stack trace (also called stack backtrace or stack traceback) is a report of the active stack frames at a certain point in time during the execution of a program.

// Step-1 Run the script without any breakpoint 
var x = 5;
var y = 6;
var z = x + y; 
// run a for loop which will throw an error 
// add debugger here 
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){


The output of the above code is :

< Debugger listening on [::]:5858
connecting to ... ok
break in debugger.js:3
  1 // Step-1 Run the script without any breakpoint
> 3 var x = 5;
  4 var y = 6;
  5 var z = x + y;
debug> next
break in debugger.js:4
  3 var x = 5;
> 4 var y = 6;
  5 var z = x + y;
debug> cont 
break in debugger.js:11
 10 for(var i=0;i<12;i++){
>11     debugger;
 12     console.log(i)
 13 }

As is clear from the example above, whereas the next step moves the execution 1 step at a time, the cont command can be used to jump to the next break point in the code. Also note that by default, the debugger starts at the first line of the code, in order to make it jump to our break point, we need to use the "cont" command.

Command shortcuts

Following are commonly used shortcuts while debugging ::

cont , c - Continue execution
next , n - Step next
step , s - Step in

In this chapter of 30 days of node tutorial series, we learned about the basics of debuggers , how we can invoke node.js debugger , useful debugger commands and lastly command shortcuts.