Useful file operations in nodejs (Part-2)


This is the second installment of the 5 part set of Useful file operations in nodejs. Please check its part-1 before proceeding any further. It is recommended but the content is not inter-related so do as it suits your requirements.

NOTE: From this part onwards we will be gradually proceeding towards making our code as much user friendly as it can be.


It is used to append data at the end of a currently existing file Asynchronously or It will create the file if the file does not exist.

//  you have to pass the Relative path of the file from the Current working directory.
//The content to be appended is stored in variable "new_content" and it will be passed to the function.
new_content = "This data will be appended at the end of the file.";

fs.appendFile('data.txt', new_content , (err) => {
		throw err;
	console.log('The new_content was appended successfully');

// To check it's Asynchronous nature !
console.log("This method is Asynchronous");

The output of the above code is :

G:\nodejsera>node file.js
This method is Asynchronous
The new_content was appended successfully


It is used to append data at the end of a currently existing file Synchronously or It will create the file if the file does not exist.

//  you have to pass the Relative path of the file from the Current working directory.
//The content to be appended is stored in variable "new_content" and it will be passed to the function.
new_content = "This data will be appended at the end of the file.";

fs.appendFileSync('data.txt', new_content);
console.log('The new_content was appended successfully');

// To check it's Synchronous nature !
console.log("This method is Synchronous");

The output of the above code is :

G:\nodejsera>node file.js
The new_content was appended successfully
This method is Synchronous


It is used to rename an already existing file Asynchronously.

//  you have to pass the Relative path of the file from the Current working directory.
fs.rename('data.txt', 'new_data.txt', (err) => {
	if (err)
		throw err;
	console.log('File renamed successfully');

// To check it's Asynchronous nature !
console.log("This method is Asynchronous");

The output of the above code is :

G:\nodejsera>node file.js
This method is Asynchronous
File renamed successfully


It is used to rename an already existing file Synchronously.

//  you have to pass the Relative path of the file from the Current working directory.
fs.renameSync('data.txt', 'new_data.txt');
console.log('File renamed successfully');

// To check it's Synchronous nature !
console.log("This method is Synchronous");

The output of the above code is :

G:\nodejsera>node file.js
File renamed successfully
This method is Synchronous