Create a Database in MongoDb using Node.js

What do we intend to make ?

In this Chapter , we will create database demo_db in the NoSql , Document oriented database MongoDb using Node.js

Let's Start !

Step - 1 : Installing Packages
We will start by installing all the required packages from npm. We are using the following package in our application :


var mongo = require('mongodb');

We can install it using the following command:

npm install mongodb --save

Step - 2 : Establish Connection
Now let's establish a connection between the mongoDb Database and our node.js application.


var new_db = "mongodb://localhost:27017/demo_db"


  • demo_db is the name of the database. You can change it as per your wish.
  • 27017 is the port where our mongoDb is running.
  • Localhost i.e. is the local IP.

Step - 3 : Create the database
Connect() is an inbuilt method used to is an inbuilt method used to Creates a connection to a MongoDB instance and returns the reference to the database. It instantiates a new connection to the MongoDB instance running on the localhost interface and returns a reference to demo_db


mongo.connect(new_db ,(error , db) => {
	if (error){
		throw error;
	console.log("Database demo_db created successfully");
	//To close the connection


You can run the above code using the following command :


D:\nj-learn-mongo>node create_database_mongo_nodejs.js

The output of the above code is :


D:\nj-learn-mongo>node create_database_mongo_nodejs.js
Database demo_db created successfully